Latest News

交流サロンをリニューアルしました! The Communication Salon has been renewed!


At the corner of the Sapporo International Communication Plaza is our Communication Salon, where Japanese and foreign people are able to meet and interact freely. In order to serve our visitors better and make the space more comfortable, with the help from our volunteers we have undergone a renewal!
 ■ 新設コーナー&ワークショップのご紹介 ■ 
Introducing our newly constructed workshop corner
日本文化体験コーナー The Japanese Culture Experience Corner
You can take a memorable photo by wearing our uchikake, play with our kendama and make origami, and experience more aspects of Japanese culture freely! We have a bulletin board where information is posted on local events for the season!
海外ニュースコーナー World News Corner
  We provide international news channels, such as BBC and NHK on our television.
姉妹都市関連書籍コーナー Sister City Related Books
  We have books and pamphlets providing information on Sapporo`s 5 sister cities, which you can look at freely.
毎月開催『おりがみワークショップ』 Monthly Origami Workshop
  The theme being seasons, together with the volunteers you will be able to create origami crafts that reflect the four seasons. This is an event that both Japanese and foreigners can enjoy.
開催日はこちらのチラシでご確認ください。Please check the flier.
The staff, foreign language speaking volunteers and other helpers all strive to provide an enjoyable environment for our visitors. If you are in the area, please come by as we are awaiting your visit!
